Friday, December 10, 2010

Scavenger Hunt:

Our very first experience with the camera we went on a scavenger hunt type thing here at school. This one was a shot of something at an interesting angle. I really like how the lights are shining through the leaves on this picture.

Studio Portraits:

The Studio Portrait roll was taken at school. We paired up with a partner and got to set up our own lighting and background for each picture. We also got to dress up and use props to make the pictures more interesting. When we developed the picture, we used a new technique called Spray Developing. Instead of submerging a picture in developer we sprayed it onto the photo as much as we liked. I really liked how this picture, especially, turned out.

Still Life:

For our eleventh assignment, Still Life, we had to arrange a few items and take pictures of them. For this picture, I set up a tricycle, converse, and a mini Christmas Tree. I though the different lightings in the picture made it very interesting.

Vintage Things:

For the tenth assignment, I went through my house looking for vintage items. I thought this birdhouse was really neat and the surrounding images even have a vintage edge to them.

Hands and Feet:

Hands and Feet was our sixth assignment. For this roll, my cousins, Aunt, and Uncle were over and I took pictures of them. This on was taken of my aunt and my youngest cousin. He was sitting on her lap and I took it as a great opportunity to take a picture.

Monday, December 6, 2010

People with Interesting Backgrounds:

For the seventh assignment we had to take pictures of People with Interesting Backgrounds. I use my brother as my model and we went around my neighborhood. This picture was taken on some rocks beside a bridge. I like the side profile touch to the picture.

Depth of Field:

Our fifth assignment was Creativity With Depth of Field. For this assignment, i was going around my neighborhood and saw the light was reflecting off the lake really well. This made the scene really neat. I thought with the mountains in the background it would make a beautiful picture for a long depth of field shot.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Another picture from framing! This was also taken at Busch Gardens. I used the trees to frame the train as it was stopped at the station. The train tracks also kind of lead you into the train.


Framing was the second assignment I had to do. This picture was taken at Busch Gardens. The shed and the trees are framing the roller coaster (Loch Ness Monster!). I love how you can see the roller coaster coming down, getting ready for the big loop!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Shutter Speed:

Our fourth assignment was Shutter Speed. For this picture, I used a slow shutter speed to get the blurred motion of my little brother on a go cart. I think the motion was captured perfectly.

Leading Lines:

The third assignment was Leading Lines. For this picture, I went on the trail in my neighborhood. The path lead to this little building and I thought it made a great photo. The texture of the path and the sky came out really well, too.

Architecture & Perspective:

Architecture & Perspective was our first assignment. For this roll I went through my neighborhood to take pictures. I thought this one of the gate had an unique touch to it with the curve.