Thursday, October 28, 2010


Another picture from framing! This was also taken at Busch Gardens. I used the trees to frame the train as it was stopped at the station. The train tracks also kind of lead you into the train.


Framing was the second assignment I had to do. This picture was taken at Busch Gardens. The shed and the trees are framing the roller coaster (Loch Ness Monster!). I love how you can see the roller coaster coming down, getting ready for the big loop!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Shutter Speed:

Our fourth assignment was Shutter Speed. For this picture, I used a slow shutter speed to get the blurred motion of my little brother on a go cart. I think the motion was captured perfectly.

Leading Lines:

The third assignment was Leading Lines. For this picture, I went on the trail in my neighborhood. The path lead to this little building and I thought it made a great photo. The texture of the path and the sky came out really well, too.

Architecture & Perspective:

Architecture & Perspective was our first assignment. For this roll I went through my neighborhood to take pictures. I thought this one of the gate had an unique touch to it with the curve.