Monday, November 28, 2011

Journal 6: Transparency

For Journal Assignment Number 5 I made a print from my Portals roll and then had a transparency made of it. Think I placed it over a tie dye shirt to create a cool effect and then I played around with some effects on photoshop.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Shutter Speed: Digital Prints!

Our fourth assignment of the year was Shutter Speed! For this assignment we had to take both a digital roll and a film roll. From the digital roll, I chose these two pictures: one of a falling leaf and one of my brother blowing bubbles. I really like how both of these pictures turned out. It was a really nice day when I took the pictures and the leaves were very vivid which inspired me to catch a picture of one drifting to the ground. I also really love bubbles and thought it would be cool to catch them forming. I really like how you can see the rainbow in the bubbles, how green the grass is, and how even one of them is sparkling. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shutter Speed: Digital Contact Sheet!

Out of the hundred+ pictures I took for our digital roll of Shutter Speed, these are the 36 I chose for my contact sheet.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Journal 5: Pictures with Texture

For Journal Assignment Number 5 we had to use some item such as lace, transparencies, or aluminum foil. I chose to place lace over this picture of my kitchen cabinets because I felt it gave the image a more vintage feel. Then I uploaded it into photoshop and played with the filters to give it a sepia tone to give it even more of a vintage feel. I really like how this turned out.