Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Best Photo of the Year.

I feel as though I've really grown as a photographer this year. I have learned to experiment with different techniques, and explore different places to take pictures. I used to be too shy to take pictures out in public, and would only take them at home, but this year has helped me to go out and take pictures of everyday life of the city. We also got to experiment with digital cameras this year, which lead to using photoshop. With digital cameras it is a lot easier to experiment, because if you mess up, you can delete the photo and try again. I have really loved each and everyone one of my photos this year. I would consider this one of my best pictures of the year, because I love the expression I managed to capture on his face. I love how photos can tell a story, and I feel this one does. I was really happy when my experimentation with bubbles produced a really cool photo. This was one of the latest rolls we had to take, and I feel it shows my growth as a photographer this year.

Final Project!

For our last journal assignment, we had to make a 2 or 3D project of our works from this year. For the first image, I chose to just make a sort of collage of some of my favorite photos of the year. I chose to use all film photos and then one digital to make it pop. In the second image I made a quick kaleidoscope of possibly one of my favorite images. I really like the center of the kaleidoscope.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Disappearing Act!

This is my series for disappearing act. I began my writing on my driveway with chalk and then washed it away with a water hose and took pictures as it began to disappear. I really like the contrasting colors of the black driveway to the colorful chalk.